"There is a very important connection between the
Church’s worldview and the Church’s hymns. If your heart and mouth are
filled with songs of victory, you will tend to have an eschatology of dominion;
if, instead, your songs are fearful, expressing a longing for escape – or if
they are weak, childish ditties – your worldview and expectations will be escapist
and childish.
Historically, the basic hymnbook for the Church has been the Book of Psalms. The largest book of the Bible is the Book of Psalms, and God providentially placed it right in the middle of the Bible, so that we couldn’t miss it! Yet how many churches use the Psalms in musical worship? It is noteworthy that the Church’s abandonment of dominion eschatology coincided with the Church’s abandonment of the Psalms."- David Chilton
week as we sang Psalm 63 in English metre to Thomas Tallis' familiar third mode
melody, I was impressed not only by the nature of the music and its powerful
words but also the nature of our assembly, gathered in a circle, singing
ancient words of longing and praise for our Lord.
Generally, when we think of glorious
music we imagine grand, state-sanctioned church productions of Handel’s Messiah
or Kyrie Eleison or Saint Matthew’s Passion. Most American’s have grown
accustomed to worship music productions so noisy they can’t even hear their own
Perhaps we have forgotten
a different sort of glorious, the kind that comes from impassioned believers
producing imperfect but heartfelt music. Believers who have tasted persecution,
counted the cost and embraced the trial before them, produce an entirely
different sort of music. The average church attendee comparing our assembly last
week to a grand church production complete with perfectly balanced sound and
acoustic sensitivity would perhaps be dissatisfied.
But if you put on a
different set of glasses you would see patriarchs earnestly seeking God’s truth
with their families gathered around them, mothers holding babies in their arms who
will change the world, sons and daughters embracing their family’s mission with
joy and energy, families who love the kingdom of God, singing out of the conviction
that the ability to worship God in sincerity and faithfulness to His Word is an
immeasurable privilege. And it is glorious! The kind of glorious that relishes
the battle and rejoices in the eternal victory of God.
O Lord, My God, Most Earnestly
Psalm 63
Thomas Tallis, 1567; alt.
Psalter, 1912
rev. Psalter Hymnal, 1987
O Lord, my God, most earnestly I seek Your holy face,
Within Your house again to see the glories of Your grace.
Apart from You I long and thirst and naught can satisfy;
I wander in a desert land where all the streams are dry.
The loving kindness of my God is more than life to me,
So I will praise You all my days and pray continually.
In You my soul is satisfied, my darkness turns to light,
and joyful meditations fill the watches of the night.
Beneath the shadow of Your wings I sing my joy and praise.
Your right hand is my strong support through troubled nights
and days.
All those who seek my life will fall; my life is in Your
God's king and people
will rejoice; in victory they will stand.