Friday, December 28, 2012

Concerning Hobbits...

If brilliant, skillful yet un-regenerate film-makers with some remarkable aesthetic taste, using a superb cast and crew, take a classic work of fantasy literature composed by a masterful storyteller with a compelling plot, endearing and vivid characters, strong (albeit distorted) themes of generational faithfulness, home nostalgia, dominion, personal courage, self sacrifice, good versus evil and keen wit along with good measures of pragmatic moralism, humanism, paganism and the occult and, throw in their own twists of humor, humanism, morality, violence, environmentalism, emotionalism and social justice while remaining surprising faithful to the obvious qualities of the original work you get...

In this sense I was not disappointed.  My expectations were, in fact, met and surpassed on all scores.  Now will someone make a truly “good” film?

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